School councils have three main overarching responsibilities:
Finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
Strategic planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan.
Policy development and review: participating in the development and review of policies that reflect our values.
The Homestead Senior Secondary College Council meets twice per term on Tuesday evenings beginning at 6: 00 pm.
Our meetings are generally open to the school community.
A Message from our 2025 School Council President
As a parent of a child who goes to Homestead Senior Secondary College and now President of the School Council I would like to welcome you to our community. Parents want the best for their children. The Parent Council is a chance for parents to get involved and do what they can to help their school be the best it can be.
It can be hard work and time consuming, but it’s worth it. Our children deserve no less and we know that everyone can benefit when we get the partnership between schools and parents working well. I believe that we will work together with HSSC teachers, staff and students and we will achieve a high standard of education and wellbeing.
If you would like to contact me over any school council / general business matters, feel free to communicate with me via the email address:
Ella Bagynska
School Council President